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Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC J

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS


Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS


Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS

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Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC J

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC J

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC J

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC J

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC J

Spring Summer 2017 | Cyprus | NATC JEWELS




The "OCEANIA" Couture Collection by NATC is a breathtaking homage to the vast, uncharted beauty of the Pacific Ocean and its enchanting islands. Inspired by the vibrant cultures, deep blue waters, and rich marine life of Oceania, this collection celebrates the harmonious dance between land and sea, tradition and innovation.

Designed by Natasa Christodoulou, the collection features exquisite jewels that mirror the ocean’s ever-changing palette—from the deep azure of the waves to the shimmering corals and iridescent pearls. Each piece is meticulously crafted, blending intricate details with bold elements that evoke the sense of an underwater paradise.

"OCEANIA" is more than just jewelry; it's an immersive experience that transports the wearer to sun-kissed shores and hidden lagoons. Dive into the spirit of the Pacific with NATC’s "OCEANIA" Collection—a tribute to the ocean’s boundless allure and the timeless elegance it inspires.

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